Oakley Hill Association, Inc.

Governing Documents Highlights

Articles of Incorporation

  • Incorporated 10/7/2003

  • Vote of ⅔ of the members (at least 60 of the 90 members) required to amend the Articles of Incorporation

Revised/Restated By-Laws of Oakley Hill Association, Inc.

  • Approved 3/9/2009

  • Board of Directors is authorized to employ a manager, and independent contractor or such other employees as they deem necessary and to prescribe their duties.

  • The Board of Directors is responsible to and subordinate only to the direction of a majority (at least 45 of the 90 members) of the Members in good standing

  • A quorum of members is 30% (at least 27 of the 90 members) for voting at any properly held meeting

  • By-Laws can be amended by a vote of a majority of a quorum of members present at a duly called meeting.

Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for Oakley Hill

  • The affairs of the Association shall be managed by its Board of Directors

  • Annual maximum annual assessments may be increased by not more than 10% without a vote of the membership

  • Maximum annual assessments may be increased above 10% at a meeting called for this purpose by a vote of ⅔ (60 or more of the 90 members)

  • Restrictions may be waived or modified by written agreement of 80% (72 of the 90) owners in the subdivision

  • Covenants are binding for a period of 25 years from the date the covenants are recorded - and automatically extended for an additional period of 10 years unless a written instrument - signed by a majority of the owners has been recorded

  • Exhibit A recorded 7/31/1996 - initial term of 25 years ended 7/31/2021. Automatically renewed until 7/31/2031.

Exhibit A - Declaration of Restrictions and Easements (Elizabeth Bowles Gayle, Declarant)

  • Recorded 7/31/1996

  • The covenants run with the land and were binding on all parties until January 1, 2021

  • Covenants automatically extended for an additional period of 10 years or until 2031

  • Covenants may be waived or modified only by written agreement of 80% (72 of the 90 members)

Exhibit B - Architectural Review Committee - Declaration of Guidelines

  • Dated 3/9/2009

  • Signed by ARC members 11/6/2008

Exhibit C - Property Improvement Request for Approval

  • Form is dated 3/9/2009

Regulatory Resolution No. 1 - Rule Violations: Complaint and Due Process Procedures

  • Resolution became effective 8/22/2006

  • Includes Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C and Exhibit D

  • Developed by Association’s attorneys at the request of the Board of Directors

  • Board of Directors has the power to make and amend rules and regulations

Policy Resolution No. 2 - Association Complaint Procedures

  • Mandated by the Virginia Common Interest Community Board

  • Resolution became effective 9/18/2012