Oakley Hill Association, Inc.
Governing Documents Highlights
Articles of Incorporation
Incorporated 10/7/2003
Vote of ⅔ of the members (at least 60 of the 90 members) required to amend the Articles of Incorporation
Revised/Restated By-Laws of Oakley Hill Association, Inc.
Approved 3/9/2009
Board of Directors is authorized to employ a manager, and independent contractor or such other employees as they deem necessary and to prescribe their duties.
The Board of Directors is responsible to and subordinate only to the direction of a majority (at least 45 of the 90 members) of the Members in good standing
A quorum of members is 30% (at least 27 of the 90 members) for voting at any properly held meeting
By-Laws can be amended by a vote of a majority of a quorum of members present at a duly called meeting.
Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions and Reservation of Easements for Oakley Hill
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by its Board of Directors
Annual maximum annual assessments may be increased by not more than 10% without a vote of the membership
Maximum annual assessments may be increased above 10% at a meeting called for this purpose by a vote of ⅔ (60 or more of the 90 members)
Restrictions may be waived or modified by written agreement of 80% (72 of the 90) owners in the subdivision
Covenants are binding for a period of 25 years from the date the covenants are recorded - and automatically extended for an additional period of 10 years unless a written instrument - signed by a majority of the owners has been recorded
Exhibit A recorded 7/31/1996 - initial term of 25 years ended 7/31/2021. Automatically renewed until 7/31/2031.
Exhibit A - Declaration of Restrictions and Easements (Elizabeth Bowles Gayle, Declarant)
Recorded 7/31/1996
The covenants run with the land and were binding on all parties until January 1, 2021
Covenants automatically extended for an additional period of 10 years or until 2031
Covenants may be waived or modified only by written agreement of 80% (72 of the 90 members)
Exhibit B - Architectural Review Committee - Declaration of Guidelines
Dated 3/9/2009
Signed by ARC members 11/6/2008
Exhibit C - Property Improvement Request for Approval
Form is dated 3/9/2009
Regulatory Resolution No. 1 - Rule Violations: Complaint and Due Process Procedures
Resolution became effective 8/22/2006
Includes Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C and Exhibit D
Developed by Association’s attorneys at the request of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors has the power to make and amend rules and regulations
Policy Resolution No. 2 - Association Complaint Procedures
Mandated by the Virginia Common Interest Community Board
Resolution became effective 9/18/2012